Someone wise once said that one day all our children will have is pictures of us.
And if you are like me, it’s so hard to step in front of the camera and make sure we are in the picture. No matter what your hair looks like, your make up (or lack thereof) or your body - they don’t care about any of that. They will just want to see you.
I want to show you the beauty of your normal, seemingly ordinary life so you can exist in printed photos for your family to pass them on to your children and, in time, their children. Memories that will only grow more precious with time.
With my parents in 2015
I love people, the arts, beauty and cultures. I'm originally from Brazil, married to a wonderful Bloomingtonian man and mom to two girls (5 and under).
For most of my life, before I started shooting photography for a living, I worked for an international non-profit organization training people around the world. I lived in 7 countries in 4 continents and visited 14 others in the span of 11 years. About half of these countries were in the African continent, where I spent most of my time.
This season of my life was amazing and gave me friends all over the globe, a few other languages besides my Brazilian Portuguese and the realization that we are far more alike than we are different. I also acquired the superpower to connect with pretty much anyone really fast (which comes in handy when you're a photographer)!
I really longed to have my own family so by the time I turned 40 and nothing had happened I thought marriage and motherhood were not in my future. But then, I was surprised to meet my wonderful husband, and we were blessed with not only one but two girls!
We've been living in Bloomington, IN ever since.
Dec. 2018 - Eu Vejo Flores (I see flowers)- Paco da Liberdade - Curitiba, Brazil
Sept. 2016 - Imagem.Meio.Palavra (Image.Medium.Word) - Memorial de Curitiba - Curitiba, Brazil
Oct. 2015 - Realidades Invisiveis (Invisible Realities) - SEMIC Parana - Curitiba, Brazil
March 2014 - Ser Mulher (Being a Woman)- Unicuritiba - Curitiba, Brazil
Nov. 2013 - Na Minha Epoca (When I was young) - OAB Parana - Curitiba, Brazil
Jan. 2013 - Em Versos (Verses) - Estação Mall - Curitiba, Brazil
"Shooting Yourself" By Haje Jan Kamps 2013 - by Ilex Press Limited. Republished as "Selfies" in 2014 by Simon & Shuster.